Catharsis Managed IT’s Blog

Tips, news, and insights from the IT industry


Got a new MacBook? Here’s what you need to do first

The 2020 MacBook models boast of a new processor that promises a longer battery life and better speed. Plus, they offer the ability to run iPhone and iPad apps. But before you start using your new device, make the following tweaks to ensure even better performance and functionality. Go through the basics  When you first

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Reasons for your smartphone’s slow internet

Isn’t it frustrating when the page you’re visiting takes an eternity to load? Oftentimes you blame the app or your phone, but did you ever consider that it’s your mobile data connection OR internet connection that’s the problem? Wi-Fi noise Did you know that home electronic appliances emit wireless signals at a frequency similar to

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5 Crucial steps when migrating UC to the cloud

Moving your business’s unified communications (UC) systems to the cloud offers many perks, including augmented security and scalability. You must, however, plan the migration carefully if you want to enjoy the move’s full benefits and avoid the possible risks that come with it. Here are steps you should follow to ensure seamless migration. Opt for

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MS Office

A look at Office Delve

Many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have started using Microsoft 365 to enhance their processes and productivity. This means the amount of data created by Microsoft 365 is growing, posing some challenges in tracking connections and information. This is where the Office Delve feature comes in handy. What is Office Delve? Office Delve is a

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Web & Cloud

Protect your private data with mobile device-based biometrics

Cybercriminals are always on the lookout for ways to steal information, so you should seek to beef up your data protection. One such way is with biometric authentication on mobile devices. Authenticate your profile on your mobile device Chrome OS, Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android are all adding features to help users safely log in

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The best practices in collecting customer data

Customer data offers an insight into information such as customer demographics, behavior, and preferences, enabling businesses to create quality products and positive experiences that will cater to their client base. But it’s not enough for a business to collect customer data — it must collect data that is useful and relevant. Here are some of

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Free up disk space on your PC with Disk Cleanup

Hard disk drive capacities are increasing exponentially over time, yet somehow they always seem to fill up. This rings even more true for solid-state drives, which cost more but offer less storage space than conventional mechanical hard disks. If you’re brushing against your PC’s maximum storage capacity, using Disk Cleanup should help you free up

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Signs you have weak enterprise security

As cyberthreats become more sophisticated, many businesses need to prioritize cybersecurity more than ever. But are you sure that your security measures are keeping your enterprise IT assets safe? Here are five signs that they may not be effective. Open wireless networks With just one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, an

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4 Massive benefits of using EMRs

Healthcare providers are ditching the traditional pen and clipboard, and are looking to electronic systems to house their patient records. Electronic medical records (EMRs) offer healthcare professionals a quicker way of accessing and sharing patient information between offices and providers. They also provide several major benefits to healthcare organizations and transform the way professionals work.

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4 Massive benefits of using EMRs

Healthcare providers are ditching the traditional pen and clipboard, and are looking to electronic systems to house their patient records. Electronic medical records (EMRs) offer healthcare professionals a quicker way of accessing and sharing patient information between offices and providers. They also provide several major benefits to healthcare organizations and transform the way professionals work.

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