Catharsis Managed IT’s Blog
Tips, news, and insights from the IT industry
Tip of the Week: IT Has A Lot Of Jargon… How Much Do You Know?
If you spend more than ten minutes with anyone from the technology industry, you may notice that they have a rather colorful vocabulary. It’s not too vulgar or anything, but it is chock-full of buzzwords that you may not fully understand. Here are some of the most frequently used words in the IT industry. Actionable
October 26, 2018
Tech Term: Virtualization, Defined
Virtualization is a topic that a lot of people might hear about frequently, but not necessarily understand. It has a lot of details to keep in mind, but the concepts can be remembered easier by simplifying these details. We’ll take a closer look at some of the finer details of virtualization and what it means
June 15, 2018