Navigating some websites can be a pain, but thankfully, there is a handy-dandy tool that just about all of them utilize to make it easier for users. We’re talking, of course, about the navigation bar. We’ll discuss what the navigation bar is, what it does, and why it’s so helpful for a website or application’s end user.
What is the Navigation Bar?
The navigation bar can take many forms, but it’s generally a bar at either the top of a website or application. For example, it might display links to a home page, an about page, or various services that a business or organization offers. Depending on the style of the website, it could also be in a sidebar or other location, but it’s generally in a place where the user can easily identify what it is.
What Does it Contain?
The navigation bar is essentially made up of menu items that contain links to various web pages on a website. Depending on the website, it might contain different things. For example, a web browser will have a navigation bar that includes the address bar. Operating systems also have navigation bars in the file browser. Even Windows’ Start menu can be considered a navigation bar, as through it you can get to just about anything you need on your computer.
Why is it so Helpful?
Simply put, the navigation bar is helpful because it takes all of the important links and information that one needs from a website or application and displays it in a way that is easy to consume. Whether it’s in the list of links or a search bar, the navigation bar acts as a waypoint for anyone using a website, helping them find exactly what they need, when they need it.
In the end, the navigation bar is meant to help website or application users navigate the interface in the most efficient way possible. Though its appearances and styles will change depending on the branding and web design skill of the developer, its inherent purpose remains the same.
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