Can you place a value on your organization’s IT solutions? Sure, but the true value of them is really how much money they save you in the grand scheme of things. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the amount of capital your technology solutions cost could completely sink any profits your business pulls in. How can you optimize efficiency? After all, you can make as many sales out there as you want, but if you have no way of keeping track of things, you’re asking for a failed business venture. The answer is simple: managed IT services.
In the past, some businesses thought they could get away with administering the bare minimum amount of maintenance. This would entail fixing technology if and only if it ever experienced technical issues. The problem with this model was that it eventually became incredibly costly to small businesses. Yet, due to limitations on their budgets, they felt that they had little choice, as it was next to impossible to find an affordable IT administrator who could manage and maintain their in-house infrastructure.
The main difference between managed IT and other models of service stems from the issue of downtime. When a business is not running at its best, it starts to lose money. Technology that was initially implemented to save money wound up costing you in the short term, despite addressing the issue and resolving it. The issue is that it happened after the fact, and thus, downtime took hold and created unnecessary expenditures.
Managed IT seeks to actively prevent downtime through remote monitoring and maintenance. By preventing problems from happening in the first place, you can save money by correcting these issues before they become massive pitfalls for your budget. Since managed IT can be leveraged on a per-month basis at an affordable price, you have no excuse to not properly maintain your technology solutions. Ask yourself this question: if you could save money in the long term with a small monthly payment, wouldn’t you want to do it?
Catharsis Managed IT Ltd’s managed IT business model is perfect for small and medium-sized businesses due to how easy it is to fit into just about any budget out there. To learn more about how we can make technology work for you, reach out to us at (416) 865-3376.