Catharsis Managed IT’s Blog
Tips, news, and insights from the IT industry
Tip of the Week: 6 Data Security Practices You Can Take
Data is one of the most valuable assets there is today, which is why any business should consider its security a prerogative. This can admittedly be a lot, which is why we’ve taken the liberty of preparing a few tips to help you get started on the right path. These may also help those in
Tip of the Week: 5 Warning Signs of a Phishing Attack
Phishing attacks are a very common threat nowadays. Between the classic message from a supposed Nigerian Prince to a sudden and urgent email from the bank with attachment in tow, we’ve all seen our share of them. That’s the trick to stopping them—being able to spot them. Let’s go over five signals that a message
Tip of the Week: Simple Steps to Safer Email Practices
Security is always a business priority, and with so many business needs now fulfilled digitally, it is critical that cybersecurity has a strong presence in organizations big and small. Nowadays, collaboration solutions have also had even greater importance in the workplace, making tools like email completely essential. Unfortunately, this gives cybercriminals an increased opportunity to
Many Businesses are Still Using Windows 7…
So many organizations continue to use a decade-old operating system, and they really, really shouldn’t. Here’s the thing: Windows 7 is dead and gone… and yet, as of July, it still had a market share of about 23 percent, making it the second-most-popular operating system. Here, we’ll be going over just why it is—if your
Tip of the Week: Building Up Four Business Security Basics
With all the threats that stand to create problems for your business, it can be surprising to hear that some of your biggest security risks actually derive from your staff, and their exposure to your technology. Less surprising to hear: security issues interfere with the successful operation of your business. Here, we’ve shared a few
Tip of the Week: Phishing Training Has to Be a Priority
When reading through Microsoft’s latest Security Intelligence Report you will quickly get the notion that phishing attacks are some of the most prevalent cyberattacks. With businesses forced to use technology to support a remote workforce, this is definitely still relevant information. It, then, becomes extremely important that your business does a quality job of training
Your Cybersecurity Policy Will Come to Define Your Business
At this point, it’s hard to believe that anyone needs to be told that cybersecurity is important, but some organizations are still doing the bare minimum to protect their network and data. That can’t go on forever. Today, we thought we would discuss how to put together a cybersecurity policy that covers all the bases,
The Employee’s Guide to Working Remotely
It’s not uncommon where a situation arises and you will find yourself working from home. To make this work, it is important that you keep a few additional issues in mind so that you can make the most of it. We have put together a few simple best practices that you should keep in mind
Tip of the Week: Lock Your Network Down with These Tips
There are a lot of security threats directed toward businesses today, with plenty of immoral opportunists seeking to profit at your expense. This makes it critical to secure your network and its data, which sounds like an expensive and time-consuming process. However, it doesn’t have to be, as we’ll show you by highlighting a few
Don’t Be Dumb About Smart Technology
A few years ago, there was a decision made to make a concerted effort by manufacturers to create their products, but to also create those same products with “smart” technology inside. Basically, because of the rampant innovation of Internet-connected systems, devices, appliances, and knick-knacks of all types we have to ask the question: Are we